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Zoom-Ready / Virtual                     Live! In-Person 

 Lecture Fee: 



Scroll on down for my in-person choices...

I would rather see you in person so that you could see my quilts and touch them and really get up-close and personal with them - but it is also awesome that we can gather virtually - here are my Zoom-ready presentations (with PowerPoint). They are all 45 - 55 minutes in length:

Quilts in Our Time – Stitching On Since 1976

A retrospective look at the history that quilters have made in the last 45 years. Great strides have been made in tools, technology and the transmission of information but have quilts really changed?

FrankenQuilt: Building a New Quilt With Antique Blocks

You have the desire, you have the blocks. Are there rules for this? This lecture discusses the delights (and dangers) of creating a new quilt with vintage or antique blocks.

Star Light, Star Bright, Stars Upon My Bed Tonight

Stars grace some of our oldest quilts in either quilting, piecing or applique. This virtual trunk show takes us across time to see how our expression of stars in quilts has changed in the last 200 years – or has it?

Quilts of Future Past

Is there nothing new under the sun? Take a stroll through time and watch quilt styles repeat from the early 1800s to present day. Can you predict what will be popular in the future by looking to the past? Maybe you can start the next trend with your favorite designs from days gone by!

Tops and Blocks: Our legacy – our problem?

What do you do with that old quilt top or that set of blocks you inherited? This program helps you examine those tops and blocks to determine if they can be quilted, and if they can’t? Some alternatives to turning them into a quilt are discussed.

Anatomy of a Quilt Appraisal

What happens in a quilt appraisal? What are the thoughts of the appraiser and what do some of those questions mean? How does an appraiser handle a challenging quilt (or a challenging client)? This informative and sometimes humorous lecture looks inside a quilt appraisal for the answers.

Make Your Best Quilt
What does a judge see when they look at a quilt? How does an appraiser determine the value of your quilt?
This lecture examines the features a judge may look for in choosing a winning quilt as well as the qualities of a quilt that may increase or decrease the appraised value. More importantly, we will talk the simple things you can do to improve your skills. Even if you never intend to enter your quilt into a competitive contest or have it appraised, you want to make the best quilt you are capable of! Tips will be given to help you make the best quilt you can, whether the quilt is heading to a contest or to cover a loved one.

She Spoke With Her Needle

In the days before women were encouraged to take an active part in the world outside of their homes, you might be surprised at the opinions they chose to express. A look at statements, both political and social, made by women of the past with their quilts.

Star Light, Star Bright, Stars Upon My Bed Tonight

Stars grace some of our oldest quilts in either quilting, piecing or appliqué. This trunk show takes us across time to see how our expression of stars in quilts has changed in the last 200 years - or has it?


 Lecture Fee: 

$350 plus travel fees.


These are trunk show presentations using my large collection of antique quilts.

Length of all programs: 45—60 minutes.

On the Victorian Bed

If you could transport back to the days of Queen Victoria, what quilt would you find on a bed? Let's travel together through the Victorian Age with a lively trunk show of quilts made during the reign of Victoria.

Appliqué: Amazing, Awesome and "A" for Effort

Appliqué has changed over the centuries. Lisa will share appliqué quilts from three centuries and discuss how the techniques have changed and how they have remained the same.

Quilts Just Keep Stringin' Me Along

When did String Quilts come about? Let's learn some quilt history! A trunk show of string quilts from the past can give you great ideas for your own string quilt creation. An excellent lecture to pair with one of Lisa's Stringpliqué classes.

Star Light, Star Bright, Stars Upon My Bed Tonight

Stars grace some of our oldest quilts in either quilting, piecing or appliqué. This trunk show takes us across time to see how our expression of stars in quilts has changed in the last 200 years – or has it?

Keeping A Remembrance

Quilts have long been used to create and preserve memories. Some of these quilts: Friendship quilts, signature quilts, and presentation quilts add the written word to fabric and in the process, preserve a moment in time. This program examines name-inscribed quilts

from the 1840s to the 21st century. Who made this quilt and why? Some of the quilts give us an answer while some remain silent and mysterious.


Small Blocks, Big Impact: The Use of Scale in Antique Quilts

We will examine (and enjoy) the visual impact reated by full size antique quilts made with small size traditional blocks. How can you use these examples to shrink your favorite block for more impact? A discussion of scale and design will start you on your way to a fabulous new adventure!

The Old Lady Who Swallowed the Fly Was a Quilter . . .

You remember the nursery rhyme, There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I dont know why . . .” This lecture showcases quilts that beg the question WHY?” From beautiful to creative to just odd, we celebrate those quiltmakers who work outside the box.


Anatomy of a Quilt Appraisal

What happens in a quilt appraisal? What are the thoughts of the appraiser and what do some of those questions mean? How does an appraiser handle a challenging quilt (or a challenging client)? This informative and sometimes humorous lecture looks inside a quilt appraisal for the answers.


Thanks Eli, Isaac and Tom

A fast paced look at the 19th century in the United States. Quiltmakers did not live in a vacuum and the improvements and inventions developed during the 19th century influenced everything from thread to fabric colors to how much time women had to create. View quilts from the early 1800s through the turn of the 20th century during this program.


Orphan Quilts – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (subtitled Bless Her Heart, sub-subtitled What Was She Thinking?)

A humorous look at some of the results of our quilting ancestors. How did some scrap quilts come out looking so great and others come out looking so horrible. Design elements as well as hue and color value are discussed.


Northern Lady or Southern Belle?

There was more than just the Mason-Dixon Line that divided the North and South. This program compares and contrasts quilts from the 19th century in design, style and fabric to examine the regional differences of our quilting ancestors.


Wandering Feet and Broken Needles:

Superstitions of Quilting

What can happen if you start a quilt on a Friday? Should you avoid making certain quilts for your sweetheart? Is there a certain quilt pattern that could spell doom for you? And what does happen if you break a needle? This program takes a look at some of the  superstitions in quilting from the past and the present.


Wearing Grannies Panties

Feedsacks, Flour sacks, cotton sacks – no matter what you call them – these textile bags had a huge impact on the lives of those living in the first half of the 20th century. This program is a trunk show of feedsacks and feedsack quilts with the history and many uses of feedsacks presented.


They Spoke With Their Needles

In the days before women were encouraged to take an active part in the world outside of their homes, you might be surprised at the opinions they chose to express. A look at statements, both political and social, made by women of the past with their quilts. An excellent program during womencelebrations.


Make Your Best Quilt

What does a judge see when they look at a quilt? How does an appraiser determine the value of your quilt? This lecture examines the features a judge may look for in choosing a winning quilt as well as the qualities of a quilt that may increase or decrease the appraised value. More importantly, we will talk the simple things you can do to improve your skills.

In Person Lectures (with real live quilts!)

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